Building Biomes
By: Laurel and Hailey
Teacher Instructions: Biomes Game Instructions
Ready to print and provide to students: Student instructions
The set of cards to print (first page is the backing of all the cards): FinalCards
The purpose of this game is to introduce and reinforce different biome aspects for students. The Big Idea, taken from the grade 4 curriculum is all living things sense and respond to their environment. This game shows how different environmental impacts can affect the health and functioning of different parts of a biome. The game also seeks to help students to understand biomes as large regions with similar environmental features, taken from the content portion of the science curriculum. The game has 3 different versions. Version A has the least amount of cards and an easier to obtain objective, version B incorporates more environmental impacts to biomes, and version C adds in more cards to create a more complex game and harder to achieve main objective.