Tag: <span>subtraction</span>

Lesson Plan: Addition & Subtraction for Grade 2

Mini Lesson Plan Description Created by Sydney Bolton, Kathleen Wick & Jamie Andrews This lesson plan is designed to improve the fluency of addition and subtraction computations of Grade 2 students. The Big Idea addressed is “Development of computational fluency in addition and subtraction with numbers to 100 requires an …

Guesstimating Groceries for Grade 5

Guesstimating Groceries: Adding and Multiplying Money Sioned Seeley-Cavers & Laurel Apps Grade: 5 Curricular Competencies: ● Estimate reasonably ● Develop mental math strategies and abilities to make sense of quantities ● Model mathematics in contextualized experiences ● Develop, demonstrate, and apply mathematical understanding through play, inquiry, and problem solving Curricular …

Subtraction War! For Intermediate grades

Subtraction “War” Card Game Taylor Schollen Subtraction War How to play: Materials Needed: Deck of cards Shuffle a deck of cards and hand out an equal amount to each player. Preferably two people but more can be added to make the game more challenging. Each player then flips over two …

Flash Cards for Number Concepts for kindergarten/ grade 1

FLASH CARDS FOR SUBITIZING, ATTRIBUTING, COMPARING, GROUPING AND NUMBER CONCEPTS TO 10, & ADDING AND SUBTRACTING Dane Sweeney Introduction This object is a deck of cards that contain on them a variety of different numbers of dots in different colours and in various arrangements. Each card in the deck has …