Tic Tac Toe Relay, Warm-up for Grade 6

Tic Tac Toe Relay, Warm-up for Grade 6

Anne Berland

  1. This warm-up activity will take place before a basketball lesson in the gym. The Tic-Tac-Toe game is fun and students will likely participate enthusiastically, which helps in team building. While being physically active in this warm-up, the students are also working together to strategize a plan for the game. Working cooperatively on strategies will help them move into a lesson that involves passing the ball and including all members of a team to score a point.
  2. Lesson Plan:
Grade: 6

Topic: Basketball

Lesson 6 of 12


Lesson focus: Passing the basketball and working cooperatively as a team score a point

Equipment:  27 hula-hoops, 18 markers (each team needs 3 of one colour, bean bags or pinnies work), 6 cones

Learning outcomes: 

1.      The students will be able to cooperate with their team to play the Tic-Tac-Toe game fairly and safely.

2.      The students will be able to participate in moderate physical activity when given the cue to start the Tic-Tac-Toe relay game.

Introductory activity/warm up

Tic-Tac-Toe Relay (10 mins)


Students run in a relay and place a marker in a hoop, trying to get 3 in a row


When there are no new markers, they choose one to move to a new hoop


When a team gets three in a row, the teacher can blow the whistle to regroup, or the students can get the markers and restart. Make this decision when you know the class.



Use hula-hoops to create 3 tic-tac-toe boards in the middle of the gym.

Teams line up behind a cone at the end of the court, 2 teams in front of each board


Teaching Points


Count students off to make 6 teams


Clearly explain which teams are playing on which boards


Model how to place and move markers before starting


Add a fourth marker to each team to make games last longer


Check for understanding: How does a relay work? What do you do when you have no new markers? How do you win? What happens when you win?

3. Safety concerns and preventative measures:

Although the students may become competitive, they should be reminded that this is a non-contact game. Accidentally stepping on a hoop could lead to slipping and falling. The play area should be clear of all obstacles and hazards. The play area can be set up in the center of the gym to avoid walls and benches.

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