Month: <span>February 2020</span>

Everyday Math: Time & money video for grade 4

Everyday Math John Titanic Everyday math video In this entertaining and interactive math activity students are encouraged to solve everyday problems dealing with time and money. The purpose of this activity is to allow students the opportunity to practice their grade 4 math skills while also showing them that these …

Money in the Bank: financial literacy for grade 4

Money in the Bank Nick Kruks & Connor Waddell Money in the Bank Money drives the world’s economies, buys you a home, and gets you milk at the store. Love it or hate it, money has been around for centuries and doesn’t show any signs of leaving soon. To better …

Flash Cards for Number Concepts for kindergarten/ grade 1

FLASH CARDS FOR SUBITIZING, ATTRIBUTING, COMPARING, GROUPING AND NUMBER CONCEPTS TO 10, & ADDING AND SUBTRACTING Dane Sweeney Introduction This object is a deck of cards that contain on them a variety of different numbers of dots in different colours and in various arrangements. Each card in the deck has …

Cheerios for Jo: A Math Story for grade 4

Janel Manerikar “Cheerios for Baby Jo” is a short video designed to get students reflecting mathematically through reasonable estimation, identifying patterns as well as using decimals and fractions and financial literacy. The video is made to suit the Grade 4 math curriculum, but could be tailored to suit other grades. …